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Announcing Cross Shopping Insights: See Where Else Consumers Spend Money

June 1, 2022
Briana Brown

In case you missed it, this year we launched SafeGraph Spend. Spend is the first transaction dataset to associate anonymized and aggregated consumer spending behavior to hyper-accurate points of interest (POIs). Built upon SafeGraph Places, a POI dataset updated each month to reflect when businesses open, close, relocate, or change name, Spend includes information about the raw spend, volume of transactions, median spend per transaction, spend by day of the week, and offline vs online spend at each POI. 

With the June 2022 release of SafeGraph Spend, data scientists can derive even more insights about consumer spending behavior. This release includes new cross shopping columns that detail what other brands consumers spend money at in a given month. For example, cross shopping can show that 49% of consumers who spend money at the McDonald’s on 123 Main Street in January also made purchases at Target that same month. The addition of these new columns means the Spend dataset not only shows geographic patterns in consumer spending behavior, but also brand affinities.

There are ten new columns included in Spend to highlight these brand affinities, all reporting cross shopping behavior by percentage for easy comparison and analysis. 

New cross shopping columns include:

  • Related physical brands: What other brands with physical stores do people who spend money at this POI also spend money at?
  • Related online merchants: What percent of people who spend money at this POI make purchases with online brands like Amazon?
  • Related same-category brand: What percent of people who spend money at this POI also spend money at a similar business or competitor brand?
  • Related local brand: What other brands with locations in this zip code do people who spend money at this POI also spend money at?
  • Related delivery service: What is the affinity of people who spend money at this POI with online delivery services like DoorDash or UberEats?
  • Related wireless carrier: What percent of people who spend money at this POI are Verizon vs AT&T customers?
  • Related rideshare service: What percent of people who spend money at this POI spend money on Uber vs Lyft?
  • Related buy now/pay later service: What percent of people who spend money at this POI also use buy now/pay later services like Klarna or Affirm?
  • Related streaming service: What percent of people who spend money at this POI subscribe to streaming services like Netflix or Hulu?
  • Related payment platform: What percent of people who spend money at this POI use services like PayPal or Cash App?

Cross shopping insights provide a new dimension to the behavior of consumers in and around physical places, but also online. Discovering brand affinities between brick and mortar stores and ecommerce sites helps show how consumers engage in an omnichannel market, and can be used to build stronger products, services, and offers for customers. 

Some top use cases for cross shopping insights include:

  • Competitive intelligence: Are your customers also shopping at competitive stores? Or are they purchasing goods online that they could be getting in your store?
  • Consumer insights: Do your target customers frequent specific stores or brands? Can this help you better understand what they want and provide that to them?
  • Site selection: Where are the best locations for my new store? How do surrounding stores promote positive consumer spending behavior? 

The flexibility in geographic analysis offered by SafeGraph Spend enables data scientists to uncover consumer spending patterns and brand affinities at the level of granularity they need.

To see more brand affinity insights derived from SafeGraph Spend’s new cross shopping columns, check out our retail scorecard.

Interested in exploring cross shopping columns for yourself? Schedule a demo with one of our experts.

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