Where can I find more information about the removal of patterns from the API scheduled for July 15, 2022?

Hi, I just received an email announcing the following but haven’t been able to find confirmation or additional details in the forums or the Safegraph website.

we are changing the direction of the API to focus only on support for live applications. Changes will include removal of patterns data from the API, decrease in max locations for a request, and other breaking changes The last day to use the SafeGraph API with support for non-live-app use cases will be July 15, 2022.

To continue getting access to SafeGraph data, we encourage you to sign-up for our Data for Academics program. Once you sign-up, you will have access to the SafeGraph Shop where you can continue to get access to our data.

What constitutes a “live” application? My lab’s infectious disease tracking & surveillance dashboard continuously and automatically updates using patterns data from the API. If patterns data is being removed from the API, and academic users are meant to use the Shop instead, does that mean my lab will have to manually download data from the Shop each week? That sounds horrible.

Hi Kathryn,

Live applications mean that the API requests are made directly from the client and no data is stored. Additionally, Patterns will no longer be accessible through the API, as we move away from API data delivery.

We apologize for the inconvenience.