Is it possible to get information about number of employees and/or total building floor area at CBG level?

is it possible to get information about number of employees and/or total building floor area at CBG level?

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fyi @Lauren_Chang_SafeGraph


  1. To estimate the number of employees at the CBG level, you’ll probably want to use the Neighborhood Patterns data. I would suggest the work_behavior_device_home_areas column. It can help you estimate both the number of employees whose workplace is in a given CBG (by summing the JSON values) and the number of employees from a given CBG (this takes more work—you’d have to find all key-value pairs corresponding to the given CBG and sum those values, because people living in your CBG might work in various other CBGs). You can read more about this column in the docs.
  2. For total building floor area at the CBG level, you’ll need to do some work, but it’s also possible. @Spencer_Vail_SafeGraph, do you know if the Geometry Footprint data is still available? If so, that one contains the footprint area for each POI, so you’d need to pull all POIs for each CBG you’re interested in and sum. Note, some of those POIs have their parking lot included in this area calculation, so you’ll want to account for that.
    If the Geometry Footprint data is no longer available, you’ll have to request access to the Geometry data and calculate each POI’s area using the shape coordinates. Again, you’ll have to account for parking lot inclusion/exclusion.

Great. Thank you

@Fabio_VANNI Geometry data is available by request if you need it please just let us know one or two geographies and we can add it to your shop account.