I’ve been using the safegraph API to query core places and monthly patterns using batch_lookup and have a question about rate limits

Hi there! I’ve been using the safegraph API to query core places and monthly patterns using batch_lookup.

I made a minor miscalculation in the Sys.sleep() I wrote into my R script to avoid hitting the published rate limits (which is listed as 100 requests per second for batch, 1000 requests per minute for non-batch https://docs.safegraph.com/reference#places-api-overview-new).

I’ve fixed the sleeps so I definitely won’t violate these limits: 2 second sleep between batch_lookup requests, and a 60 second sleep every 800 total records returned from batch requests.

But for some reason I now can’t make a single request without getting a 429 “Too Many Requests” Error. Should I make a new API key and try again? Am I in rate limit jail for an unknown period of time? Thanks!

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Hey @Sean_Mussenden_Univ_of_Md_College_of_Journalism ! Looping in @vchen on this. We’ll circle back soon!

oh, i’ll check on that. you shouldnt be hitting that error

The limit should be removed now

Thank you! I’ll do my best to avoid hitting rate limit again :slightly_smiling_face:

Are those rate limits correct, tho, that I shared above?

1000 non batch per minute, 100 batch per second

yup, those rate limits are correct